Land Manager: Tennessee River Gorge Trust (top/cliff) and Ms. Jannette Phillips (land at the bottom of cliff and access road/parking)

Native Lands: ᏣᎳᎫᏪᏘᏱ Tsalaguwetiyi (Cherokee, East), Shawandasse Tula (Shawanwaki/Shawnee), S’atsoyaha (Yuchi) (from

Area Rep: Caleb Timmerman,

Castle Rock is located approximately 3 miles northwest of downtown Jasper, Tennessee and makes a proud sandstone buttress that keeps watch over Sequatchie Valley. You can catch a glimpse of this proud buttress driving up the hill towards Foster Falls, to the right above the Castle Rock church. Castle Rock is owned by two private land owners; the Tennessee River Gorge Trust (TRGT) owns the cliff, and Ms. Jannette Phillips owns the land at the bottom and the access road/parking lot. Castle Rock was closed to climbing for many years, but in the fall of 2004, The Southeastern Climbers Coalition representatives Brad McLeod and Kirk Brode began negotiations with the landowners to open access to this area. A verbal commitment was reached and a lease was signed during the winter of 2005.

Ms. Phillips graciously opens her property for us to access the Castle Rock crag and TRGT has maintained a relationship with SCC to allow recreation so PLEASE be vigilant to follow all rules and guidelines listed below and be sure to stop for a chat if you see Ms. Phillips on your drive or hike in.

Ms. Phillips has asked that any visitors text her the make/model of your car when you arrive so she is aware of who is on the property. You can find her number at the kiosk.


Google Maps

What to Expect

Castle Rock is approximately 1/2 mile long of 80 to 120 ft. tall bullet sandstone with over fifty sport and traditional routes. Castle Rock is known for many 5.11 and 5.12 sport climbs and one of the hardest routes in the state of Tennessee, Apes on Acid at 5.13d. Castle Rock is known for its great face climbing, being less steep in angle than its South Cumberland counterpart, Foster Falls.

Access notes

  • Castle Rock access is PRIVATELY owned and the cliff is owned by conservation organization TRGT. The SCC leases parking and access to Castle Rock annually, so please be on your best behavior and be very respectful of the landowners.
  • DO NOT ENTER THE ROCK YARD, and be respectful of the rock workers.
  • DRIVE SLOWLY. The Castle Rock driveway is both a private and commercial drive for the rock workers. The speed limit is 20 MPH.
  • DO NOT PARK if the SCC Lot is FULL, and DO NOT block any driveways or roads.
  • Climbers must exit the property by dusk.
  • No Dogs
  • Pack out your trash. Pick up any trash you see.
  • Private landowner, Ms. Phillips, gets her water from the intermittent stream at the top of Castle Rock. DO NOT tamper with pipes or water source. DO NOT dispose of human waste within 200 feet of that water source.
  • Please keep noise to a minimum as the landowners live directly below the crag.
  • No fires
  • No camping at Castle Rock. Camping is available at nearby Foster Falls.
  • Ms. Phillips is a nice southern lady who likes climbers, so let’s keep it that way!


No camping at Castle Rock. You can find camping at nearby Foster Falls.


Chatt Steel